Thursday, December 3, 2009

Can't hear voice com in xbox live??

I've got an xbox360 which i use on xbox live (mainly with forza motorsport 2 recently) and i use the headset that came with the console and up until now haven't had any problems with it. Recently It's not been letting me hear other players voice chat. on the game lobby screen, it doesn't even show them as having a mic but during the game i see their mic symbol in the top of the screen where they normally are and ppl are going back and forth but still i can't hear it, they can hear me im pretty sure but i cant hear any responses. my volume settings on xbox menu are at 6 like usual and the volume knob on my mic is at full like usual. it's happened to me before adn one time i got online and all of a sudden i could hear them (about 2 weeks ago) but as of about 10 days ago, it's stopped working again. any comments, suggestions, or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Can't hear voice com in xbox live??

chek the prt you use to put the mic in switch the slide thing to the left see if that helps vote me best answer please

Can't hear voice com in xbox live??

this happened to me too when i first got my have to go to the System in the dashboard then from there go to Family Settings. Type in the username and password and then mess with your settings. it is probably set to only allowing friends hear you and talk to you. you need to make it so you can talk to everyone and everyone can talk to you.

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